![]() 10/17/2017 at 15:25 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
But you can have your buffer image if you really need it.
Yesterday, our Commander in Chief made an
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
about how previous presidents had not recognized the sacrifices made by our wounded warriors and their families as much as he had. It was a thoughtless and callous remark from a man who has become so accustomed to the easy lie. Both President Obama and President Bush made many trips to military hospitals and rehab centers to pay their respects to our soldiers and meet their families. The exact number is irrelevant. This story about one such visit by President Bush gives me a newfound respect for our 43rd president.
Time Magazine
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On top of that our current president, if you can call him that, has merely indicated that he’d make a phone call when he thinks it’s appropriate. So far all he’s done is send letters. No phone calls, no visits.
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I share your disgust at this bullshit and the American flag bullshit. But do you expect any different at this point?
I now understand how Hunter S. Thompson felt when Nixon was in power.
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He has made at least one visit to Walter Reed. I’m not sure he really gets it, though.
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Thanks. It brought a tear to my eye, and our current president could use a few lessons from past presidents on what it means to be ‘Presidential’.
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For as much hate as GWB picks up, I really don’t think he was a bad person or unfit to be president. I didn’t agree with a lot of Obama policy, but again, I thought he was a good person just trying to do what he thought was right for all of us. But Trump, I don’t think Trump is a good person or fit to be president.
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So Donald Trump is a callous, egocentric person who speaks before thinking. Shocking news!
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For me, this story is really more about George W. Bush. I didn’t vote for the man, but he is looking more and more presidential by the day.
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Trump is out for No. 1 and his cronies. He just doesn’t think . And that’s dangerous.
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For all that Iraq was the wrong war, I do believe that Bush cared for the men he sent into battle. I don’t think Trump could give a shit. Hell, just look what he said about John McCain.
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Well, our current president’s behavior sets a pretty low bar, if that’s the comparison. However, it historically happens this way. You’re old enough to remember when Jimmy Carter was excoriated as a witless peanut head for a while there, but history has shown him to be a thoughtful statesman. Same with Bush I and II, and many others once the political posturing and sarcasm wore off. W. is a well educated and thoughtful person who deeply cares about his country. I don’t think that can be rationally questioned, even if many opposed his decisions.
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I certainly disagree with Bush on a lot of things. But I also respect him, and I think that he truly believed in what he was doing, and fully understood the gravity of what he was doing, and cared about the men and women of the military. Our current president, not so much.
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Well said. You can dislike the policies, but still respect the man.
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Agree on the first paragraph, starred for the HST reference. And sadly, yeah, I kinda feel the same way about that, too.
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Take a look at mkbruin’s reply in this thread.
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Haha, it looks photoshopped. And when the first thing you are drawn to in a picture is someone’s tie, there’s a problem with someone’s tie.
And I agree with you, he doesn’t really look like he ever gets anything. Then when he opens his mouth, I get confirmation every single time. Unless it’s about assaulting women, he understood that pretty well.
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He called that fake news, even when there are the audio tapes to prove it. Even if he never actually grabbed a woman by the pu**y, the fact that he brags about shows you just how much respect he truly has for women.
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I can’t believe he was held to a lower standard than Billy Bush or any other number of despicable people that are outed for roughly the same thing. All of those people get fired, dragged through the mud. But this asshole becomes president? Ha!
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When it comes to troops in hospitals, W is one hell of a softie. He regularly does it without alerting any media. The Clintons seemed to want to make sure there was a camera to profit from the event. Obama was somewhere in between. He did it, but didn’t seem to be trying to use it as an angle.
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There is no longer any accountability for those in power. Even 10 years ago, any one of the things that Trump has done would have immediately excluded him from running for president. Any of the things his cabinet appointees have done would have excluded them from confirmation. The agenda has become the most important thing, and trumps any requirement for decency.
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Decency went out the damn window. Every time I see old or current speeches of Obama I have to hold back tears because of how human he was. It especially shines through when he does a Q&A and even when he’s required to come up with answers on the spot, they are spot on. You don’t have to agree with everything he stood for. But I think many can agree he had and has human decency in spades.
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Perhaps I am brainwashed by the liberal media. I was a lazier consumer of information in the Dubya days. But I do not believe his motivations for that war were objective, but were personal.
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I’ll buy all of that, but I fundamentally question his motives in entering the second Gulf War.
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I don’t think BHO liked it. I don’t think he felt comfortable with it because he was at such a remove from the people he was visiting. Add to that his general aloofness. I’m not questioning whether or not BHO
. I do question whether Trump cares because he has shown that he really does not care about anyone but himself.
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Donald Trump is a man who needs to be ignored, and the sooner, the better.
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A lot of people do, but I’ve read that he fundamentally always thought we should have removed Hussein and saw this as an opportunity to get it done. People liked to say that his motives were economic. I think he truly believed that removing state sponsors of terrorism against the United States would lead to a safer world where fewer innocents would die and people in those liberated countries would have better lives. 911 galvanized him, and it became a holy mission for him.
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Trump is kind of a sappy patriotic guy. I’d wager that he does care. But yeah, Trump is a major blowhard. I am curious to what McCain would’ve been like had he been pushed through the primaries. Surely a McCain/Sanders race would’ve been less alcoholism inducing than the Trump/Clinton shit show was.
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If only. We need to be paying attention to all the things he’s doing to screw up the country and the world.
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$5 trillion dollars later and how many thousands of lives lost? But our political memories are short. What will be Donald Trump’s legacy in that regard?
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I think Trump would only care if he thought it made him look good.
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Yes, I recall that, and I think there was a time when I might have believed that, myself. Still not a fan of the war in Iraq to begin with, but I don’t think that was his motivation. I was a lazier consumer of information back then, too. Nowadays, there’s so much garbage out there, you have to be skeptical of everything.
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But it’s how we react.
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Agreed. I read NYT and WSJ daily; the former for the drama, the latter for narrowing down what’s important.
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Not saying it was a good idea. That’s a much more complicated question. Just speaking to motive.
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This is not the first time I’ve said this but...
Leave it to this numbnutz to make my hippie ass long for the days of Dubya.
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Christ, I’m even getting wistful for Reagan. And I lived through all that “It’s morning America” bullshit.
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NYT and the Washington Post are all that I look at on any regular basis. And to hell with TV news entirely.
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I mean, I don’t actually like Reagan or Dubya, but at least they weren’t so A) badly behaved; and B) actively trying to undermine the government from within.
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I actually thought Iran/Contra was going to torpedo Reagan. But he managed to avoid the fallout.
![]() 10/17/2017 at 18:21 |
Good article, thanks for sharing.
An interesting article popped up this morning confirming Trump’s remarks about previous presidents as being somewhat accurate, however - Linky
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My outsiders perspective says that the most intellectually complete American presidents in the last 30 years were Reagan, Bush Snr, Clinton and Obama. All more than intellectually capable of pushing their own agendas (though much more rarely capable of delivering on them). Arguably (and amazingly), Reagan’s term has probably had the longest reach.
Bush Jnr, on the other hand, was a personable dill that had enough good sense to surround himself with people that were incredibly competent and that he had the good sense to listen to.
Trump? What can I say? I’m OK with incompetent and ineffective government (Australia remember) but I at least like my government leaders to look like they are trying to be competent and to demonstrate from time to time that their hearts are in the right place....
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I think there’s a little more to it actually. After 9/11 he and Cheney insisted on reading raw intelligence, instead of stuff that had been vetted and filtered. It seems a lot of that bad intelligence scared the crap out of him, and clouded his judgement.
I’m no fan of the man, and invading Iraq was monumentally stupid, but I’m not sold on the idea that it was personal.
![]() 10/17/2017 at 20:12 |
I felt bad for Billy Bush. His laugh was uncomfortable and forced, he was just trying to get along with a guy he was assigned to cover. I probably would’ve laughed uncomfortably too, then went home and told my wife, “You’re not going to believe what that asshole said...”
![]() 10/17/2017 at 21:14 |
What I
sold on is I wish GWB was still president instead of the current guy.
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I would definitely take that deal.
Or Mitt Romney
Or my cat ...
![]() 10/18/2017 at 06:48 |
that was a moving read.
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It was.
![]() 10/18/2017 at 11:33 |
Yeah, I agree. I would’ve probably done the same thing. Although, I don’t recall, how exactly was the conversation steered to the to the rape-station?
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Trump was just bragging that he was so popular that he could get away with anything.
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He can even get away with his low approval rating. Haha.